
Grey’s Anatomy: 10 Things Fans Love About Lexie (According To Reddit)

While some have ambivalent feelings towards the surgeons on Grey’s Anatomy, fans of Reddit love Lexie and several aspects of her personality.

Lexie Grey was introduced at the end of Grey’s Anatomy‘s third season as Meredith’s younger half-sister. The two were bonded by the shared blood of Thatcher Grey and their brilliant minds that led them to be surgeons. Though they got off to a rocky start, Meredith made space for Lexie in her life and they grew together.

Lexie became a beloved character on the show, and fans were crushed when she was killed off in the tragic plane crash in the season 8 finale. Her time on the show is often regarded as being too short, but she remains a fan favorite almost ten years, with many Redditors ready to provide a list of reasons as to why she is the best character on the show.

She Loved Hard

While her older sister was more reserved when it came to love, Lexie loved everyone in her life openly and fully.

A Reddit user began a thread about why Lexie Grey was the best character on the show, stating how the former neuro protege “loves hard. She really never did anything wrong to anyone.” While Lexie and Mark had their relationship struggles and Meredith and her got off to a rough start, she always put on a brave face and made sure that both knew how much she truly loved them.

Her Photographic Memory Was Amazing

Lexie rattled off different facets of her personality to her big sister upon meeting her. She shared that she hated apples and had a photographic memory, one that came in handy during rounds and surgeries.

On the same thread that praised Lexie for being wholesome and unproblematic, a user commented that they thought her photographic memory was amazing. They said, “Her character having a photographic memory is so damn cool. I’m so envious of people who have that.”

The Way She Was A Sister To Meredith

Lexie was the first sibling that Meredith really bonded with. Before her, Meredith barely interacted with her other sister Molly and had no idea that Maggie even existed. Lexie’s presence gave Meredith the sister she never knew she needed, and gave her family that would love and protect her no matter what.

A Reddit user commented on their bond and how strong it became as the show went on saying, “Meredith pushed her away and Lexie kept persisting and they managed to form a special relationship. They became sisters.” They also pointed out that even when Meredith said that she didn’t see Thatcher as her dad, she said that Lexie was her sister, making for one of the most subtly heartwarming moments on the show.

Her Strength in Neurosurgery

Since Lexie died before completing her residency, fans have speculated about what specialty she would have chosen as an attending.

Many viewers agree that she would have continued a path of neurosurgery, following in the footsteps of Amelia and Derek Shepherd. On a thread that asked if Lexie would’ve pursued neurosurgery a user commented, “She already had so much talent in Neuro, so I would have loved to see how she would have grown and become just as good as Derek, but probably better!”

Her Character Was Refreshing

Lexie’s character differed from a lot of others on the show. While most of the interns and residents at Seattle Grace were serious and emotionally complex, she was a free spirit who just wanted to have a relationship with her half-sister and become a good doctor.

A Reddit user created a thread about why Lexie was the best Grey on the show in which many other Redditor’s wrote, “I liked Lexie too. She was refreshing and unproblematic.” While other characters were often in the midst of drama and sadness, Lexie was a smiling face and a source of optimism.

Her Bond With Derek

Lexie lived with Meredith and Derek for quite a while, including when the two were married and had a child together. During this time, Derek and Lexie grew closer as he mentored her in neurosurgery and became a close confidant as she disclosed to him her still-existing feelings for Mark Sloan.

Fans of the show wished they could’ve seen more of Lexie and Derek’s sibling-like relationship, and the way he cared and wished to protect her. A Reddit user wrote, “Derek pushed Meredith to show more interest in Lexie and also brought Lexie home as a stray.” Another also praised how he mentored her as she became a resident.

Her Different Hairstyles

While all the characters on the show got different looks throughout the years, nobody’s hair changed more than Lexie Grey’s.

Starting the show with a blunt bob, going blonde after her break-up with Mark, to finally having the classic Lexie hairstyle of reddish-brown hair with long bangs, Lexie had it all from seasons four to eight. On a post that asked viewers which haircut they preferred, a user shared their opinion, “I love her brunette look, but was happy she had her blonde moment. It was perfect for post-breakup Lexie.”

Her Personality As A Whole

A lot of viewers became Lexie fans due to the innocence and kindness she brought to the show and became attached to her emotionally as if she were their little sister. Her death hit fans hard as if they had lost a friend or a loved one.

A Reddit user wrote, “I’m absolutely emotionally attached to her, how could you not? She has a great personality, especially since I really have a soft spot for people who are a little socially awkward,” and went on to describe the scene where she stole hospital supplies for her and George’s apartment as one of the best of season 4.

She Stood Up For Herself

Though Lexie initially appeared as the timid and weaker Grey sister, she made her presence known when Meredith tried to dismiss her. She refused to let her big sister push her away, and assured her that she would never stop loving or trying to connect with her.

On a thread that asked other Grey’s fans if they were missing Little Grey, a user talked about her personality and what she brought to the table during her time on the show. They said, “She was a great character, funny and little ditzy at times although she knew how to stand up for herself when it mattered.”

Her Relationship With Mark Was The Best

There’s a lot of discourse on who the best Grey’s couple of all time is, but one that is consistently toward the top of the list is the pairing of Lexie Grey and Mark Sloan.

Lexie’s most popular and memorable storyline is her relationship with plastic surgeon Mark (otherwise known as McSteamy). Despite being at two different points in their lives, the two of them found a love that rivaled that of Meredith and Derek. They understood and respected each other, but the timing always seemed to be off. A Reddit user listed all the reasons why their coupling is the best but summed it up saying, “Slexie make me so happy and they’re on a totally different level than the other couples on the show.”