
10 Funniest Grey’s Anatomy Relationship Memes That’ll Make Fans Laugh and Sob

Some of these memes never fail to make the Grey’s Anatomy fans laugh with tears of joy!

As fans know by now, Grey’s Anatomy offers a mix of drama, comedy, mystery, scandal, and thrill. Throughout the 19 seasons that have made up the show, viewers have seen their favorite medical professionals go from hell to heaven in their quest to be the best doctors to their patients but also in experiencing some over-the-top emotional events, particularly those concerning personal relationships with each other.

The comic aspect of some of these relationships has always been a present factor in this tv series, and it continues to get fans laughing to this day. Every season has had its share of hilarious one-liners, inside jokes, and unusual storylines centered around both main and supporting characters, all of which inspired these memes’ creation.

Leaving A Lover Millionaire

This meme does a great job of summarizing how lucky Izzie Stevens ended up being when sick Denny was generous enough to will her this amount of money after his death. Sure, she risked her career for him when she cut his LVAD wire, blinded by her romantic feelings. Yet, this gift clearly seemed like a fairytale that anyone in a relationship would want to receive as their loved one passed away.

It’s not like these two had been married or together for years, so this action of Denny’s was very “Grey’s Anatomy-esque.” But could one imagine becoming rich this way after falling in love?

McDreamy Dreams

It’s hard to say if patients’ memes are funnier than those targeted exclusively for this shows’ resident cast. But those referring to Derek Shepherd are usually a win on the “comical category.” This one was made by a fan who couldn’t resist making an analogy between the famous line “Keep Calm And…” with the McDreamy character that the audience has always loved.

He was one of the most good looking men on the show, and anyone who has followed the series knows that his popular nickname came from his colleague, Cristina Yang, due to his natural charm.

Webber’s Romances

This one has to be one of the most hilarious Grey’s Anatomy memes out there. Not only is this moment actually accurate and true to a conversation that Meredith Grey and Jackson Avery were having, but the facial expressions here are terribly funny.

Let’s be honest: it was a very smart joke on Meredith’s part and it really made the whole scene very relatable as she had also felt the embarrassment that Jackson was feeling then. One could argue that this sarcastic still shot nailed it better than most memes on the internet. After all, Richard Webber’s multiple romances have proven to include several of the show’s characters’ relatives…

Hit Him With Cereal

There’s probably not a funnier reaction in Owen Hunt’s entire character story than the one represented above. When his then-wife Cristina found out that her husband cheated her with a stranger, she had the bizarre and angry instinct of throwing her breakfast cereal in his face. This has become a viral meme all over the web, serving as a sarcastic lesson to teach your S.O. if they ever cheat on you.

This scene was at this couple’s breaking point and was originally caused by the fact that she had decided to abort their child without Owen’s consult. So, of course, fans forgave him when he couldn’t get over this fact and slept with someone who he met in a bar.

Cardio’s Her Number One Love

While Owen and Cristina had been involved in many love triangles, there was one triangle the fans seemed to have forgotten: the one between Owen, her, and her passion for Cardio. Although Owen had insisted that Cristina had been the love of his life, this meme perfectly summarizes that Cristina’s didn’t exactly return the same sentiment. Throughout her ten year tenure, her one true love was Cardio, and nothing and no one was going to change that.

Jo’s Jealousy Over Meredith

Let’s face it: Grey’s Anatomy is more of a romantic dramedy with some sparkles of medicine in the mix. And Jo Wilson’s and Alex Karev’s relationship often represented drama more so than any other. Jo was frequently upset because of Karev’s close friendship with Meredith Grey, believing that Grey had a lot more space and meaning in his life than she did.

This meme makes everyone laugh because it’s an instant reminder of how troubled this couple was, but also how sarcastic and silly Alex could really be. Of course, Meredith would live with them and her kids, but Alex’s remark was cunning and so on point.

DeLuca’s Resemblance With Mark and Derek

This is such a hilarious meme that everyone can have a good laugh about, especially if they love Andrew DeLuca’s character. Isn’t it obvious that there are definitely physical traits from both Derek and Mark on Deluca? It’s a charming image because this resemblance is so immediate that most people will chuckle as soon as they see it. Plus, this trio showcases the three biggest heartthrobs of Grey’s Anatomy. Figuratively speaking, if DeLuca had been their baby, he would have been a product of a great friendship turned into a really good-looking and good-type kind of guy. Whoever did this meme originally will live in the internet memes forever.

Yang’s Dark Sense Of Humor

Whenever anyone thinks of a pro at delivering dark humor jokes on this show, the first name that comes to mind is Cristina Yang. She was always ready to tell people the truth right in their faces and, at times, she could be mean with her remarks. But her smart one-liners are one of the reasons why Yang was always so relatable.

This meme is probably one of the most famous ones in the history of Grey’s Anatomy and for good reason. This might seem like dark humor to some, and sure, it is… Yet, true fans know that this image is funny and priceless as Meredith wasn’t exactly the most committed person on the planet.

Callie Putting Alex In His Place

While viewers tend to look at Alex Karev as an arrogant guy who delivers the best jokes and uses his wittiness and sarcastic snark to outsmart others, there have been characters who have outsmarted him.

In this scene, Callie Torres is shown to scold Alex for sleeping with the interns because he will mess with their confidence. When he remarks how he had slept with her, Callie brilliantly responds to his comment by saying after that, she never slept with men anymore. Alex was speechless after that.

The Never-Ending List Of Break-Ups

Granted, Grey’s Anatomy, like the majority of medical dramas, is much more interested in the personal lives of its characters rather than the medical stories of their patients. But all the romances, marriages, or flings that viewers get to witness happening in every new episode seem to be never-ending.

Even though die-hard fans love that the series focuses on romanticizing the role of these physicians, the couples that have either ended in a terrible break-up (or even in death) are hard to keep track of. And that is exactly why this meme had to make it to the top of this list. The record of couples who deserved better keeps on pilling up more and more. It is a genius joke that has certainly made many fans laugh and sob.