
Grey’s Anatomy: 10 Supporting Characters Who Deserved More Screen Time

Grey’s Anatomy has been on the air for over a decade. Some of the supporting characters there have come and gone, with a few deserving more shine.

There have been numerous characters that have come and gone on Grey’s Anatomy. Some decisions were for the best and some were not. In fact, some characters’ exits have left a gaping hole in the fans’ hearts that we still feel them nearly a decade later.

However, do you ever wonder where some of the supporting characters could be? What storylines Hannah Davies could have had if she was promoted to series regular? Or where Joe the Bartender has disappeared to? Keep reading to discover which 10 supporting characters deserved more screen time.

Hannah Davies

Fans have to cast their minds back to season 2 to remember Hannah Davies. Played by Christina Ricci and appearing in one episode, Hannah was the paramedic who came into the hospital with the patient who had a bomb in his chest. Hannah was unaware of this at the time and ended up placing her hand inside the patient’s body.

However, after this episode, Hannah was never seen again. Maybe it’s because she needed to take some time off after the stress but it seemed like such a waste to get rid of her. The writers have never added a paramedic to the main cast so it would have been interesting to see what troubles they face. Hannah also seemed to hit it off with George, which had the potential to be more.

Sydney Heron

Ever wonder what happened to the optimistic and perky Sydney Heron? So do half of the fans in Grey’s community. Portrayed by Kali Rocha, Sydney was the surgical resident who began to oversee Meredith and co. after Bailey went on maternity leave. She also became Izzie’s peer counselor after the baker struggled with Denny’s death.

The last time the viewers saw Sydney, she went on a date with Derek. However, there hasn’t been a mention about where the surgeon disappeared to after this. While Sydney was often used for comic relief, fans would have liked to get closure on the General resident and see if she ever got her happy ending.

Ellis Grey

Portrayed by Kate Burton, Ellis Grey has always been in the periphery of Meredith’s story. Despite them having a strained relationship, one of the main reasons Meredith even became a doctor was because of the award-winning surgeon. However, there was one aspect fans never really got to see and that was Ellis as a mother.

Fans are familiar with the General surgeon’s legacy as they have seen many of her accomplishments in flashbacks. But, wouldn’t it have been interesting to see what Ellis was like when Meredith was growing up? Or if they ever shared a nice moment? It would have been good to see more of their relationship.

Charles Percy

Portrayed by Robert Baker, Charles was one of the unfortunate characters who was killed off in the season 6 finale. Out of all the new addition to Seattle Grace, Charles was the one who drew the short straw as the surgical resident never got to have a storyline of his own.

Other than the fact that he was in love with Reed, fans didn’t get to see much of Percy. They never got to know how he and Jackson became best friends, never got to learn what field of surgery he excelled in or why Charles was in love with Reed. His death would have been more impactful if his character was fleshed out more.

Sam Bello

To be fair to the writers, it wasn’t their fault that Sam Bello had to leave since Jeanine Mason gained the wonderful opportunity to star in Roswell: New Mexico. Introduced in season 14 as Deluca’s ex-girlfriend and one of the newest interns, Sam was seen to excel in the field of neurosurgery.

However, Sam was forced to leave Grey-Sloan after ICE threatened to deport her. The intern eventually left to go practice medicine under Cristina, where fans presume she still is. Still, it would have been nice for Sam to make a return and see what she would think about the Deluca-Meredith situation.

William Thorpe

Portrayed by Scott Elrod, the writers wasted another opportunity to explore Meredith’s relationship with the Oncologist. Back in season 12, Meredith struck up a romance with Will after the pair hit it off when they worked on a case together. However, things ended when Meredith told him that she wasn’t ready to be in a relationship.

Whilst Will told Meredith that he would wait for her, he hasn’t been seen or heard from since. Meredith has had several other relationships since then, so it looks as if there are no other plans to bring him back. However, fans would have liked to have gotten to know the surgeon more because he seemed like a really good guy.

Carina Deluca

Carina Deluca has to be one of the most underrated characters to ever walk the halls of Grey-Sloan. Portrayed by Stefania Spampinato, Carina was introduced in season 14 as Deluca’s oldest sister and the newest OB/GYN attending. She struck up a romance with Arizona before the Peds surgeon left for New York.

However, since then, Carina has not had a chance to shine. Always in the background, fans have seen how great she is at her job. She has also proven to be a supportive sibling and helps Deluca whenever she can. Yet, we don’t know much about her. It would be great to see Carina get her own arc.

Joe the Bartender

In every fan’s hearts, there is a special place reserved for Joe. Portrayed by Steven W. Bailey, Joe was an intricate part of Grey’s Anatomy, running the Emerald City Bar, where the surgeons frequently drink. He would also lend an ear to our favorite surgeons and help them with their problems.

Other than the fact that Joe and his partner, Walter, are parents to twin girls, fans hardly know anything about him. One mystery being why no one knows his second name? Another question being about where he has been for the past nine years? He doesn’t even get mentioned anymore. Someone should start a petition to bring him back.

Dahlia Qadri

Another wasted opportunity was when Bailey fired Dahlia Qadri. Portrayed by Sophia Taylor Ali, Dahlia was a prospering surgical resident who would often be seen helping Meredith and Jackson on their cases. However, the resident was fired after she stood up to Bailey for firing Meredith when most residents came to learn from her.

With Helm and Levi the only remaining interns, it seemed a little pointless to bring a fresh wave of characters when the writers never fully invested in their development. For the three seasons she was in, the only fact we knew about Dahlia was that she grew up in Utah. She never got a storyline of her own and she hardly got any screen time outside of the hospital. With her new job in Michigan, it doesn’t seem like she will return.

Megan Hunt

Is it possible to be able to bring Megan Hunt back? For years, fans have listened to tales about the war hero and what an amazing woman she was. So when Owen found out that they had found his sister, everyone was excited. However, fans did hope that they would have seen her for more than 8 episodes.

For instance, fans would have liked to see how Megan met Riggs and what they were like in medical school. It also seemed a little strange that no one made Megan see a therapist after she was held captive for a decade. Let not forget all the sibling bonding moments Owen has been robbed off. Abigail Spencer deserved to be promoted to series regular.