
Grey’s Anatomy: 10 Times Meredith And Richard’s Relationship Was Beyond Sweet

There are a lot of great friendships in Grey’s Anatomy. However, one of the most underrated relationships has to be Meredith and Richard’s.

Grey’s Anatomy has plenty of heartwarming and close relationships, but Meredith and Richard’s connection stands out. The two of them have had each others back many times throughout the show.

From the moment when Richard sees Meredith in her wedding dress, to when Meredith’s logical lectures for Richard calmed him down, the two are there for one another through thick and thin. They compliment each other well, and viewers can see this through their chemistry and the way their motives are similar. Richard and Meredith’s relationship is one of the best platonic ones the viewers have seen, both as coworkers and family.

Richard Sings To Her

After Meredith is physically attacked by one of her patients in season 12, Richard refused to leave her side and helped her throughout her recovery. He would always check in on her to make sure she was okay and tried to do his best to attend to her.

For some fans, one heartwarming scene was when Richard sang to her while he pushed her down the hallways. While Meredith was feeling a little irritated and low, Richard sang My Girl, down the hallways to try and cheer her up. All the things he did proves how much he loved her.

Helping Meredith With Forgiveness

After the episode with the attacking patient, Meredith cannot find it in her to forgive. While Meredith was upset about the situation, Richard told her about the power of forgiveness and gave her helpful tips.

While Richard is always rooting for Meredith, he is not afraid to tell her what she needs to do, no matter how difficult it may be. Not only is he a coworker who cares about the health of Meredith, but he is a friend and someone who can speak his wisdom to her.

When Richard Almost Called Meredith His Daughter

After Meredith almost drowned, she was rushed to the hospital. In a panic, Richard says, “This is Ellis Grey’s little girl. This is my…” Many assumed he was going to say that she was his daughter, and in the panic of it all it seemed natural for him to say.

This meant a lot to viewers, especially since Meredith had a lot of family struggles and lacked the support she needed. Richard was like a father figure to her.

When He Told Meredith She Had A Gift

Meredith is not easy on herself, and she never received the kind of praise and encouragement she needed from her mother. So when Richard told her that she had a gift and not to waste it, she took it to heart.

Another time, when Richard wasn’t necessarily happy with Meredith’s decisions, he told her that they need her. While these are small comments, they meant the world for Meredith and helped her push through her toughest moments.

They Are There For One Another No Matter What

There are many tragedies and hard moments that happen in the show, from the deaths of patients and loved ones to personal issues, and so forth. Through all of this, Richard and Meredith always make it known to each other that they are there if they are ever needed; especially since they get each other on a level no one else can understand due to their close history.

Seeing Meredith in Her Wedding Dress

Meredith tries on wedding dresses in one of the doctor’s rooms, and the scene is lighthearted and humorous as Meredith jokes around with Cristina and Izzie. When she steps out in the winning wedding dress, the mood in the room changes as they all admire Meredith.

From outside the room, Richard passes by and stops when he sees her, and he smiles. While this wasn’t a direct interaction, it showed how Richard truly cares and when Meredith is happy, he is too.

Meredith Waited To Return To Work For Richard

In season 13, Bailey decides to replace Richard as the head of teaching at the hospital. When Meredith finds out, she argues with Bailey about it and eventually claims that she would not return until Richard came back.

Viewers admired this stance that Meredith took for Richard, and how it showed that she truly cares for him and admires his leadership. Richard told her to not waste her potential, and encouraged her to go back and use her skills for good.

Meredith’s Lectures

While Richard was always the mentor, sometimes he needed someone to talk to him and set things straight. In season 11, Meredith sees Richard fighting with Catherine, and Meredith steps in. She tells him that there are real issues at hand, and she approaches the situation logically.

Meredith is able to approach a lot of things with rationality, and this helped break up the argument and show what’s actually important. It also helped Richard get out of his mind and take a mental step back.

When Richard Helped Meredith With Her Mother’s Ashes

After Ellis passed away, Richard was seen to support Meredith and does what he can to help her as she grieved. When he caught her washing her mother’s ashes down the sink in the operating room, he offers to help her, knowing that’s this is where Ellis would want to be.

This emotionally complex scene is a pivotal moment in Meredith and Richard’s relationship as it sees them say farewell to one of the most important people in their lives.

Meredith Gives Richard Her Power Of Attorney

While Meredith is hospitalized, she gives Richard her power of attorney. She tells him that he is the only one she can trust to make the tough choice if it comes down to it. Richard offers other names, but she insists that he is the one who can make the decision. Richard agrees and goes on to teaching some interns, but this scene was one of the most heartwarming scenes from the show. Viewers were shown the chemistry they have, and how they literally trust one another with their lives.