
Grey’s Anatomy: 10 Most Heartwarming Quotes In The Series

Throughout Grey’s Anatomy’s run, there have been many tragedies and sad moments. But there were also happy times, and heartwarming quotes to match.

Grey’s Anatomy is known for its great characters and the many dramas and tragedies that have befallen them throughout the series’ long run. From tragic deaths to devastating exits, the show has never shied away from leaving viewers feeling heartbroken.

However, Grey’s Anatomy has also portrayed many moments of strength, love and bravery that brought light to the dark times. Many different characters on the show have uttered heartwarming lines that brought joy to audiences and showed a brighter side to the show.

Cristina Gives Meredith An Affirmation

“He’s Not The Sun. You Are.”

A now iconic quote, Cristina said this line to Meredith in the episode “Fear (Of the Unknown),” as the two prepared to say their goodbyes before Cristina left. The whole scene may have been bittersweet for fans due to Cristina’s imminent departure, but it nonetheless proved that Cristina truly was Meredith’s best friend in Grey’s Anatomy.

Throughout season 10, Meredith and Derek had been struggling with balancing parenthood and their careers, and Cristina gave this advice to Meredith to remind her of her worth. The quote stayed with Meredith, as she often referred back to it in times of need, and was a truly heartwarming moment for fans to see Cristina break her usually frosty persona to tell her best friend just how amazing she was.

Mark Gives Advice On Love

“If You Love Someone, You Tell Them. Even If You’re Scared That It’s Not The Right Thing. Even If You’re Scared It’ll Cause Problems.”

The main thing about this quote that makes it heartwarming is the fact that Mark’s words made a difference, even after he died. Said in the episode “Remember the Time,” Mark gave this advice to Jackson and asked him to promise that he would heed it.

Tragically, Mark knew more than most of the importance of telling someone you love them while you can, and his words were a gentle reminder of the love he and Lexie shared. With the associated sadness aside, the quote holds up as a poignant one, as Jackson did indeed listen and eventually professed his love for April before it was too late.

Meredith Recognizes The Importance Of Friendship

“Friends Are The Family We Choose.”

Meredith was notorious throughout Grey’s Anatomy for pushing her friends away, but when she leaned into them she realized just how important it was to do so. The episode “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer” was chaotic for most of the characters, as Christmas arrived at Seattle, but there was solace to be found.

Amid all the chaos in their personal and work lives, Meredith offered this line in the closing voice-over as she acknowledged just how lucky she was to be surrounded by such great people. The moment hinted at the strong friendships Meredith would form over the years,and showed a softer side to her character that was willing to accept that her friends were there to stay.

Alex Makes A Declaration

“Today’s The Day My Life Begins.”

While Alex and Izzie’s relationship in Grey’s Anatomy didn’t always make sense, it cannot be denied that their wedding in “What a Difference a Day Makes,” was truly sentimental and heartwarming. In a quick turn of events, Meredith and Derek elected to give their wedding to Alex and Izzie instead as they knew it would be more appreciated by them.

Alex declared this line in the voice-over as part of his vows, and it encompassed just how much he had grown in himself, and how he was ready to be a husband. Considering Izzie’s ongoing battle with cancer at the time, the moment was emotional, especially with Alex’s realization that the day he married Izzie was monumental and would change him forever.

Bailey Talks Belief

“At The End Of The Day, The Fact That We Show Up For Each Other, In Spite Of Our Differences, No Matter What We Believe, Is Reason Enough To Keep Believing.”

“Lay Your Hands on Me,” was a tough episode for Bailey, as her son Tuck was admitted to the hospital after a bookcase had fallen on him. Bailey battled with guilt because she believed that she was a bad mother who had neglected her son’s needs. By the end of the episode, all ended well after Tuck had a successful surgery, but Bailey realized her marriage was over.

However, she had the support from her friends, such as Richard and Derek, to get her through, and she knew she wouldn’t be alone in whatever hard times came next. She said this quote in a voice-over at the end of the episode as she looked on at her son. It was an emotional moment for her character, but also gave some much needed hope, and showed the importance of having people around you who believe in you, even when you don’t believe in yourself.

Derek Tells Meredith What He Wants

“I’m Not Going To Get Down On One Knee. I’m Not Going To Ask A Question. I Love You, Meredith Grey, And I Want To Spend The Rest Of My Life With You.”

Despite the ups and downs they faced, Meredith and Derek were the best couple in Grey’s Anatomy, and this quote (and scene) was a shining moment in their relationship. “Elevator Love Letter” finally gave Meredith and Derek a happy ending as Derek proposed to Meredith in a way that suited them.

Not only were Derek’s words romantic, but hey were also perfectly fitting to his and Meredith’s relationship and showed that even if they were unconventional, they were perfect for each other. It was a highlight in their relationship, and one of the most heartwarming things Derek ever said to Meredith.

Jackson Stands Up

“I Love You. I Always Have. I Love Everything About You. Even The Things I Don’t Like, I Love. And I Want You With Me.”

Jackson and April’s relationship throughout Grey’s Anatomy was complicated, and it was no surprise that their getting together followed in the same fashion. “Get Up, Stand Up,” showed Jackson as he interrupted April’s wedding to Matthew and professed his love for her.

His words were romantic and showed a realistic perception of love, as he was defiant and honest in his confession to April. The quote is made even more heartwarming considering the advice Mark had previously given him to be honest in his feelings, before it was too late. It was a beautiful moment in an otherwise chaotic situation, and marked a turning point for Jackson and April.

erek’s Mantra

“It’s A Beautiful Day To Save Lives.”

This line is well loved by fans, and is one of Derek’s most emotional quotes on Grey’s Anatomy. Said on multiple occasions throughout Derek’s time on the show, this quote always acted as a beacon of hope to his colleagues and friends as he usually said it before surgery and thus put everyone at ease.

A particularly significant time when he said this line was in “Before and After,” when Derek operated on Addison’s brother. It was a tense moment, and Addison pleaded for Derek to say the words he was known for, so that she would know her brother would be okay. Derek, as charismatic as ever, said this quote and immediately lightened the atmosphere and cemented it as one of the most heartwarming lines on the show.

Richard Uses His Past To Shed Some Light

“I Can Tell You From Experience: With A Little Coffee And Sunlight, The Troubles Will Get Smaller And The World Will Keep Standing. I Promise.”

Richard is a fan-favorite character on Grey’s Anatomy, as he always proved to be there for his friends and was a great mentor. This quote is further proof of just how genuine his character is, as he used his own dark past to give comfort to someone else who really needed it.

Said to Jo in the episode, “Undo,” Richard provided some much-needed words of wisdom in a dark situation. While the situation was bleak, Richard’s words were a stark reminder of the futility of worrying about things, and his ability to find hope and look out for other people at the same time as comforting them was truly heartwarming.

George Realizes Who His Family Is

“Izzie And Meredith And Cristina, They’re My Family.”

His loyalty to his friends was one of the sweetest things about George in Grey’s Anatomy, and this instance was no different. George said this line to Callie in “17 Seconds,” after Callie was confused as to why George would defend his friends through anything, especially as his friendship with Meredith was frail at the time.

It was a defiant moment for George, and was a heartwarming portrayal of the friendship he shared with his fellow interns, and what they meant to him. It’s a heartfelt quote that proved that, no matter what, his friends had become family to him and that meant he would always be there for them.