
EU and Honduras Sign Forest Partnership to Combat Climate Change

In a significant step towards combating climate change and preserving biodiversity, the European Union (EU) and Honduras have signed a Forest Partnership. This partnership, a contribution to the EU Green Deal, aims to restore 1.3 million hectares of forest and implement Honduras’s National Biodiversity Action Plan. The Forest Partnership will play a crucial role in fighting climate change, protecting and restoring biodiversity, and promoting sustainable development. Let’s delve deeper into the details of this important collaboration.

The Importance of the EU-Honduras Forest Partnership

Discover why the Forest Partnership between the EU and Honduras is a significant step towards combating climate change and preserving biodiversity.

The Forest Partnership between the European Union (EU) and Honduras marks a crucial milestone in the global efforts to combat climate change and protect biodiversity. This partnership is a key contribution to the EU Green Deal and aims to restore 1.3 million hectares of forest in Honduras, while implementing the country’s National Biodiversity Action Plan.

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By joining forces, the EU and Honduras are demonstrating their commitment to sustainable development and the preservation of forest ecosystems. Forests play a vital role in mitigating climate change, promoting biodiversity, and supporting the livelihoods of communities dependent on forest resources. This partnership will ensure that forests can continue to fulfill these essential functions.

Objectives of the Forest Partnership

Explore the objectives of the EU-Honduras Forest Partnership, including forest restoration, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable forest management.

The Forest Partnership between the EU and Honduras has set clear objectives to guide their collaborative efforts. One of the primary goals is to restore 1.3 million hectares of forest in Honduras, contributing to the country’s commitment to combat deforestation and forest degradation.

Additionally, the partnership aims to implement Honduras’s National Biodiversity Action Plan, which includes increasing the area of protected, restored, and sustainably managed forests. By reducing the annual rate of deforestation and forest degradation, the partnership strives to preserve the rich biodiversity found within these ecosystems.

Furthermore, the Forest Partnership seeks to create opportunities for job creation in the forest sector, promoting the growth of forest-related decent jobs. It also aims to facilitate the trade of legal, deforestation-free, and sustainable forest products between Honduras and the EU, building upon the existing Voluntary Partnership Agreement on Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (VPA-FLEGT).

The Roadmap for Implementation

Learn about the development of a comprehensive roadmap that will guide the implementation of the EU-Honduras Forest Partnership.

In the next six months, the EU and the Republic of Honduras will collaborate on developing a comprehensive roadmap for the implementation of the Forest Partnership. This roadmap will serve as a strategic plan, outlining the specific actions, timelines, and milestones that will be undertaken to achieve the partnership’s objectives.

During this process, the partners will explore innovative finance instruments that can support the partnership, aligning with the Call to Action of the Paris Summit. By leveraging financial resources effectively, the Forest Partnership can maximize its impact and accelerate progress towards restoring forests and conserving biodiversity.

Building on Existing Cooperation

Discover the longstanding cooperation between the EU and Honduras in forest restoration and conservation.

The Forest Partnership between the EU and Honduras builds upon a long history of cooperation in forest restoration and conservation. One notable initiative is the Voluntary Partnership Agreement on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance, and Trade (VPA-FLEGT), a timber trade agreement ratified in 2022.

This agreement tackles illegal logging and associated trade, making it the first-ever VPA to involve broad and inclusive consultations with stakeholders, including indigenous and afro-descendant peoples. The EU has also contributed €25.5 million as part of the Team Europe Initiative on the Five Great Forests of Mesoamerica, which includes Honduras.

With the Forest Partnership, the EU is further reinforcing its commitment to double its spending on global biodiversity, with a significant focus on forest conservation. This collaboration showcases the shared dedication to preserving our natural resources and creating a sustainable future for all.