
Grey’s Anatomy: 10 Best Bailey-Centric Episodes, Ranked

Grey’s Anatomy has a large pool of intriguing characters that battle for screentime. One such character is Miranda Bailey, the current Chief of Surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. While she has appeared as part of an ensemble in numerous episodes since the pilot, fans have been lucky enough to get a few episodes that mostly revolved around her.

The general surgeon is known for her strict personality as well as her excellent bedside manner. In the Bailey-centric episodes, fans got to see more demonstrations of these traits. There’s a lot to come from the Chief since she is still on the show but so far, there have been some notable Bailey classics.

“Do You Believe In Love” (S9E22)

Bailey became reclusive as the CDC investigated the death of patients who had gotten MRSA infections after surgery. Her colleagues spent hours trying to get her to talk but she locked herself in her lab. It took Meredith being in a critical post-natal condition for Bailey to come clean. But even then, she couldn’t stop blaming herself.

Bailey has never been one to either shy from responsibility or from taking it. Her behavior here proved once again that she was a serious doctor who held herself to high standards. She couldn’t just act like everything was normal while people had died and there was the threat of being suspended. The episode ranks low among her best because it mostly remained numb despite being a huge part of the plot.

“Push” (S6E17)

Bailey was nervous ahead of her third date with Ben. Callie became her love tutor, advising her on date practices and where to get protection. It all ended with a romantic dinner at Ben’s apartment as the two kissed and vowed to take things slowly.

“Push” marked an important turn in Bailey and Ben’s relationship as it was after the dinner date at his apartment that she became sure she wanted to be with him forever. The episode also portrayed a softer side of Bailey as she admitted being clueless about love and dates in general and sought help.

“The Becoming” (S4E14)

Tell-All forms were made mandatory, with doctors required to declare if they were romantically involved with a colleague. Interestingly, Bailey was exempted because everyone assumed no one would be interested in dating her. Despite her being upset, Bailey went on to give an epic address to nurses that were protesting against Mark Sloan.

“The Becoming” shed more light on Bailey’s inexperience in the dating field. It is at that point that she needed to do better if she was to ever have any luck with cupid. Bailey’s speech also had a big impact as it helped paint Mark Sloan as less of a flirt and more of an annoying lothario who broke hearts but never did anything without consent.

“Now Or Never” (S5E24)

There were many unfortunate reasons why Grey’s Anatomy couples broke up and one of those included Bailey who decided to divorce Tucker after he gave her an ultimatum: him or her fellowship. Worse things happened as Bailey did her best to get Owen to talk George out of becoming an army surgeon only for George to get hit by a bus.

Bailey had mostly been immune to the bad luck that loomed over the show but here, fate took a turn for the worst. Her marriage not only ended but she was also devastated enough to not take the pediatric surgery fellowship. George was a man she cared for enough to even name her son after and it was painful enough for her to think he was leaving the hospital only for a worse outcome to occur.

“Put Me In, Coach” (S8E7)

The tense episode saw Bailey and Meredith almost engaging in fisticuffs after the former blacklisted the latter from all surgeries. Their feud spilled over to a softball game between Seattle Grace Mercy West and Seattle Pres, then to the diabetes trial, with a drunk Meredith yelling at Bailey, forcing Richard to intervene.

In as much as the best minds are bound to agree, they are also bound to clash. Bailey wasn’t one to let even star doctors get away with some of her actions and she made sure to remind Meredith who was boss here. Her actions came off mean but they only served to reinforce her keenness on quality and accountability at all times.

“As We Know It” (S2E17)

The American slang word “Vajayjay” was born in this episode, with Bailey asking George to stop staring as she was in labor. Bailey was refusing to push, leaving her fellow doctors in a dilemma. Elsewhere, her husband was also in the OR and Derek was refusing to operate on him because he didn’t want to be blamed in case things went wrong. Even worst, there was a bomb scare at the hospital.

The tense nature of “As We Know It” made it enjoyable to watch. Disaster loomed over Bailey’s family and given how Grey’s Anatomy enjoyed shedding its characters, there were hints to either Bailey’s baby or her husband dying. That everyone turned out great by the end of the episode was a twist that viewers found pleasant.

“A Hard Day’s Night” (S1E1)

Bailey was introduced in the most Bailey way possible. All the interns were terrified of her, with Izzie afraid to even wake her up. She made sure to outline her expectations to the interns and herself one of the most interesting nicknames on Grey’s Anatomy.

There have been many leaders on the show but the premiere put the crown on her as the best and that hasn’t changed much. Through the pilot, viewers got to know what they would expect from the character going forward. There have been occasional moments of warmth but she has remained the no-nonsense leader ever since.

“Sledgehammer” (S12E1)

It was a do-or-die moment for Bailey since her dream position was at stake. She made a good case for herself as to why she deserved the position of Chief. Catherine was rooting for Tracy, the Cardio head at John Hopkins Hospital.

Fans got to walk in Bailey’s shoes in “Sledgehammer,” realizing that she hadn’t really been a leader before but had always prepared herself by acting like one. Her powerful speech was the highlight of the episode. Bailey not only made concrete points but also flaunted her pop culture knowledge by using two Star Wars references. She was battle-tested, having engaged in numerous personal contests and feuds during her time on the show. In her tussle with Tracy, it was obvious that she going to emerge the victor.

“Make Me Lose Control” (S2E3)

The episode was supposed to revolve around Cristina’s struggles with an ectopic pregnancy and her surgery but Bailey ended up stealing the show. She barred Meredith from entering the OR in order to give Cristina privacy and insisted on being there for the Cardio God all the way. Adissson’s attempts to take over were also slammed with an “I’m fine right here” statement from Bailey.

The episode ranks highly because it brought a different side of Bailey that fans hadn’t seen before. For the first time, she was shown to genuinely care about one of her colleagues. And even while being nice, Bailey provided plenty of entertainment by putting well-respected surgeons in their place with no effort at all.

“Things We Said Today” (S9E10)

There are many reasons why Bailey is a good doctor and her leaving her wedding ceremony to go and operate on Adele tops them all. She did that and still managed to come back to say her vows.

Bailey’s race against time kept viewers on the edge of their seats, making “Things We Said Today” the most outstanding Bailey-centric episode. Seeing Bailey able to accomplish two major things in a single day was impressive. Anxiety had cast a shadow all over the episode, with everyone wondering whether Adele would survive and whether the wedding would actually happen.