
Grey’s Anatomy: 10 Hidden Details You Didn’t Notice About Meredith’s House

Meredith Grey’s Seattle house on Queen Hill has been a recurring location in Grey’s Anatomy since the first season. Meredith inherits the house from her mother Ellis and spends most of her professional life in it. Given the frequency with which it’s featured, it might feel like Meredith has never lived anywhere else. However, she spends a few years of her adult life in “The Dream House.”

After relocating from the house with her mother Ellis, Meredith moves back years late after securing an internship in Seattle. Given how much screentime it gets, audiences might feel like they know everything about the house. However, since it has been on-screen for nearly two decades, it is likely that they may have missed a thing or two about it.

Marks On Various Locations

Keen viewers will notice the marks on various locations in the house. On the ceiling, there are marks from a Christmas tree Izzie had got during Meredith’s intern year. There are also floor marks that are a result of a party Izzie once threw.

Scratches can also be seen on each side of the doorjamb. These are all height marks that were used to track both the growth progress of Zola and Meredith when they were little. All these details are revealed when Alex complains about the state of Meredith’s house in Season 9. Meredith lets him know that she won’t change a thing.

It’s One Of Three Locations To Appear In Every Season

Numerous locations have been featured in the show. Some of the most notable ones have been the SFD Station 19, the hospital, and the Klausman Institute for Medical Research.

Out of all the locations, only three locations have appeared in every season of the medical drama. These are Meredith’s house on Queen Ann Hill, the hospital, and the Emerald City bar, which is often frequented by the doctors because it’s just across the street from the hospital.

Conflicting Addresses

It has been mentioned a couple of times in the show that the address is 613 Harper Lane. However, when Alex checks Ellis Grey’s patient record in season 11’s “Got To Be Real,” the address is listed as 22 State St, 98103. As many fans know, Ellis had always lived in that house when she was staying in Seattle.

For lengthy shows like this, it is normal for such continuity errors to happen. And according to Google Maps, the address used in the external shots of the house is 303 Comstock St., Seattle.

The House Rules

Meredith hates living alone so much that she once put up a notice on the hospital’s bulletin board in which she indicated that she was looking for roommates. The notice can be seen in the first season’s second episode.

In the notice, she indicated the rules that the roommates ought to follow. One of the rules disallows roommates from having pets. There is also a rule against smoking, which is understandable, considering the fact that Meredith is a health professional. If fans look closer, they would see  “No George Bush supporters allowed.”

The Swinging Chair That Doesn’t Swing

According to Thatcher, the swinging chair at the front part of the house stays still because he had inserted a nail inside it. He did this to stop Meredith from hurting her fingers in it.

This detail emerges after Thatcher and his wife visit Meredith at the hospital in season 3’s “Scar’s & Souvenirs.” Meredith tries to hide from him at first but later agrees to have dinner with him and bond. When Meredith tells him about the chair that doesn’t swing, he goes to it and removes the nail. It then starts swinging, much to Meredith’s delight.

Almost Everyone Has Visited

Given that she is popular among her friends and colleagues, Meredith tends to get a lot of visitors on a frequent basis. Most of the main characters, from Mark Sloan to Miranda to Preston Burke, have stopped at Meredith’s house at some point to either catch-up or discuss an important matter.

However, not all of the visitors have had Meredith as their agenda, Some of the visitors have come to see the house’s other inhabitants. So far, only two of the main characters have not set foot into the house. These are Erica and Addison.

Long List Of Tenants And Roommates

Several of the show’s characters have lived in the house at some point. A total of 26 characters have lived in the apartment during the series run, including Meredith.

Meredith’s grandmother was the original owner of the house. She is said to have lived in the house for years before the start of the series. Meredith’s grandmother left the house to Ellis, who, in turn, signed it over to the star doctor after she began living at the Roseridge Home for Extended Care.

Important Events In The House

Three major events have happened in Meredith’s house. In season 7’s “With You I’m Born Again,” Cristina and Owen’s wedding ceremony takes place inside the house.

In season 8’s “Suddenly,” the show’s favorite couple Meredith and Derek have a party to celebrate the fact that they have been granted full custody of Baby Zola. April and Jackson’s baby Harriet Kepner-Avery also gets born in the house. The house has played a key part in everyone’s lives.

Lexie Hasn’t Been Lucky Enough To Have A Comfortable Place To Sleep

Lexie has never had the most desirable of living arrangements. She first sleeps in the living room of Meredith’s house before moving out. While living at the Crapartment, she even tries to steal items from the hospital to make it more homely and impress George. However, George feels it looks bad.

Cristina’s Special Privileges

Being Meredith’s best friend has its privileges. Cristina Yang is the only person who has had a key to access the house at any time before she ever lived in it.

Every other friend or associate of Meredith’s who wasn’t a regular has had to ring the bell or call in advance to state that they would be visiting. Thanks to her special privilege, Cristina spends a couple of random nights in the house before she finally moved in