
Grey’s Anatomy: 10 Most Shocking Finales, Ranked

Grey’s Anatomy is known for its heart-stopping finales. From tragic deaths to shocking reveals that turn lives upside down, here are the best.

ABC’s hit medical drama Grey’s Anatomy has been one of the longest-running shows in television history. For 19 years, the audience has been on a rollercoaster ride along with the surgical interns, residents, and attendings at Seattle Grace/Grey Sloan Memorial.

Grey‘s is known for its heart-stopping finales. From tragic deaths to shocking reveals that turned lives upside down, a lot has happened over the years. Let us look at some of the season finales that had the most shocking impact on the characters themselves, and, of course, the audience.

Who’s Zoomin Who? (Season 1)

This is a relatively less shocking finale compared to what followed over the next seasons. The season 1 finale, although it didn’t involve someone getting run over by a bus or getting shot, for Meredith Grey, the revelation that ‘McDreamy’ Shepherd had a wife was definitely shocking and quite heartbreaking.

Since the very first moment in the pilot, the writers had built for the audience an image of perfect love between two beautiful people, but that ideal picture seemed threatened by the appearance of Dr. Addison Montogomery Shepherd. Not only was McDreamy married, but his wife was a very gorgeous, very successful surgeon based out of New York. For someone as lovelorn as Meredith, this was definitely a shocker.

Didn’t We Almost Have It All? (Season 3)

This finale was shocking in the sense that most of the main couples were going through a major crisis.  To see so many relationships, however flawed, on the verge of destruction, was naturally disheartening for viewers.

This finale was the last time the audience got to see fan-favorite Addison Shepherd on a regular basis, and Derek and Meredith seemed at an impasse in their relationship. And for those who survived a panic attack after seeing Cristina without her eyebrows, they had a bigger shock in store for them when Preston Burke decided to leave her at the altar.

Family Affair (Season 12)

Fast forward to season 12, like season 1, this season didn’t necessarily leave the audience shattered, but it was still shocking, nonetheless.

In ‘Family Affair,‘ two of the show’s fan favorites, Callie Torres and Arizona Robbins, fought for the custody of their daughter, Sofia. The couple had been through a lot, from car accidents to limb amputations, so to see them engage in a bitter custody battle over the child they both loved so much, who was also the sole reminder of their late friend Mark Sloan, came as quite a shock to the audience.

Put On A Happy Face (Season 16)

A rather shocking reveal, as far as one of the main cast was concerned, came at the end of season 16, in an episode that otherwise had some feel-good moments, for instance, when Amelia and Link held their newborn in their arms. In a shocking turn of events, Owen discovered that Teddy had engaged in amorous misadventures with the neurosurgeon, Tom Koracick. The storyline involving Tom, Teddy, and Owen had been evolving for a while, but it did come as a shock when the otherwise rational Teddy Altman suddenly decided to throw caution to the wind and cheat on Owen.

Given how confused Owen has been for many seasons — remember his disastrous marriage to Amelia Shepherd — it would have made sense if Teddy left him for someone who is clearly head-over-heels in love with her. But for Owen to find out the way he did, was clearly a shock.

Losing My Religion (Season 2)

The season 2 finale had both shocking and heartwarming events. The audience got some passionate MerDer moments, and Preston Burke’s surgery went without any significant hitch.

However, Izzie Stevens got her heart broken when Denny Duquette died suddenly and quietly, presumably due to a blood clot. This was the handsome patient she had fallen for and gone as far as to risk her entire career for, cutting his LVAD wire and even practically stealing a heart from another patient who was above Denny on the transplant list. The sight of a devastated Izzie clinging to Denny’s body while preparations for prom night were underway in the hospital was sobering indeed.

Perfect Storm (Season 9)

This was one of those high-powered episodes where a lot of things happened at the same time with the backdrop of a disaster, in this case, a superstorm, bringing in its wake major trauma.

The episode sees Meredith give birth in the midst of a power outage, and Cristina operates in complete darkness. In a mini shocker, Arizona hooks up with a visiting surgeon, thus complicating her already fragile relationship with Callie. But the biggest shock comes in the final scene, when Richard is shown lying face down in a puddle in the hospital’s power room, obviously electrocuted and very possibly dead.

Ring Of Fire (Season 13)

This episode was written as a farewell to Stephanie Edwards. The hospital admitted what they believed was a couple with injuries incurred in a trauma. But it turned out that the woman was actually being raped and the man who was supposed to be her boyfriend was in fact the rapist.

The hospital went under lockdown, but Stephanie Edwards got stuck all alone on a floor with the rapist and a little girl belonging to another patient. What ensued was a story of heroism, as Stephanie managed to set the rapist alight and fought to keep the little girl safe risking her own life as she did so. In true Grey’s style, this finale had shocking reveals and was emotionally wrought, even though it ended on a good note.

Now Or Never (Season 5)

In what probably stands as one of the most heartwrenching episodes in television history, the goofy, adorable George O’Malley died tragically after jumping in front of a bus to save a woman he didn’t even know.

A John Doe came in with massive injuries and the doctors at Seattle Grace were humbled by his act of heroism. They did their best to try and save him, as they would for every patient, but his injuries were too severe and there was little hope for survival. At this time, before his final surgery, the patient very painfully managed to communicate to Meredith the term ‘007,’ which had been George’s nickname in the hospital for a good while. The revelation that George had been so disfigured that even his closest friends could not recognize him, was shocking, to say the least.

Death And All His Friends (Season 6)

Season 6’s ‘Death and All His Friends‘ was a heart-stopping episode — a continuation of the penultimate episode where Gary Clark, the grieving husband of a dead patient, shows up in the hospital with a gun with the express purpose of shooting Derek Shepherd, then Chief of Surgery, whom he held accountable for his wife’s death. By the end of ‘Sanctuary,‘ the penultimate episode, Derek has been shot and Meredith and Cristina have witnessed the shooting.

In the finale, the shooter is still at large and comes face to face with most of the doctors who are still inside the hospital. But one of the climactic moments comes when Cristina is forced to operate on a dying Derek, and the shooter appears brandishing his gun and ordering her to stop the surgery so that Derek would die. Meredith appears too, trying to divert his attention, and then Owen pounces on him, getting shot in the process. On another floor, Miranda Bailey and one of her patients is dragging Dr. Charles Percy towards the elevator to get to an OR on time, but is unable to do so as none of the elevators are working. As far as the shock and thrill factors go, this episode definitely ranks very high.

Flight (Season 8)

Topping the list of shocking finales is the season 8 finaleFlight.’ A bunch of doctors from Seattle Grace boarded a helicopter to Boise where they were supposed to perform a surgery and the plane crashed in the middle of nowhere. Soon after the crash, Lexie Grey, Meredith’s young sister, died tragically, and her death was followed by a heartbroken Mark Sloan going into cardiac tamponade, which had to be taken care of by Cristina in the midst of the forest. Not only that, Derek’s million-dollar hand was severely damaged, Arizona’s leg, as it turned out later, was beyond repair, and the pilot couldn’t move from the waist down.

The group was naturally in shock but had to survive and look out for each other until help arrived. This episode left the audience shocked into silence, long after it ended, with Arizona Robbins’ helpless screams continuing to ring in viewers’ ears.