
Grey’s Anatomy: 5 Characters That Fans Would Love To Be Friends With (& 5 They’d Rather Avoid)

The doctors on Grey’s Anatomy have become like a family over the years, which makes sense since they’ve witnessed a lot of pain and big moments. But there’s another reason why the characters hang out so much: they work 24/7 and don’t have time for much of a social life outside of the hospital.

While not every male character is boyfriend or husband material, not every Grey’s Anatomy character would make a great best friend. Fans would love to spend time with some of the main characters, but there are others who seem like they would be too much trouble.

Friends: Miranda Bailey

Miranda Bailey is definitely a Grey’s Anatomy character whom fans wish they could be friends with. She’s intelligent in matters of the heart and also knows a lot about the medical field, so she would be up for deep conversations.

Bailey is super busy as she’s balancing work and family life, so she doesn’t seem to have much time for dinners out with friends or movie nights. But if she did have a free night every once in a while, many viewers would count themselves lucky to be her friend, as she’s supportive and cool.

Avoid: Meredith Grey

Meredith has a sad and difficult history but even though the main character on Grey’s Anatomy has moved past a lot of trauma, she’s still “dark and twisty” as she says.

She doesn’t seem like someone who can let go of what’s bothering her and enjoy a night out. She also doesn’t appear to be open to new people, as she keeps her friend circle small and doesn’t want to make small talk with people she doesn’t know. Meredith can be self-centered and negative, and those are tough qualities to have in a friend.

Friends: Jo Wilson

Now that Alex has left Jo for Izzie, Jo has to figure out a whole new plan, and it’s definitely hard to imagine being put in this position.

Many fans of the popular medical drama would be more than happy to hang out with Jo. She’s strong and tough, but she’s got a soft and vulnerable side, too, and since she has been running from a painful past, she really cherishes the friends that she has made. She’s always there for her pals because she knows what it’s like to be lonely. She seems like she would be fun to grab a beer with, but would also be there for the hard times.

Avoid: Penelope Blake

When viewers imagine being friends with Penelope, it feels super awkward since there would be an elephant in the room: the tragic death of Derek Shepherd.

Penelope feels terrible about what happened, but she also seems like an insecure person, and it would likely be tough to break down walls and get to know her. A true friendship with this character probably wouldn’t happen, so fans might prefer to hang out with others.

Friends: Owen Hunt

After watching Owen’s difficult romance with Cristina, along with his drama with Teddy and Amelia, it seems that he makes a better friend than a romantic partner.

Owen is a chill and sweet person whom fans would love to be friends with. It’s easy to imagine going to a local pub with him and having some burgers and beers, or watching a game that everyone is excited about. While Owen has experienced a lot of sad moments in his life, he cares about others and seems hopeful for the future.

Avoid: Alex Karev

Alex is a combination of caring and self-centered, and it’s definitely hard to imagine being friends with him.

While Alex takes Cristina’s place in Meredith’s world and is super kind to her, he can also be violent and self-centered. It’s also tough to look past how he left Jo and reunited with Izzie, as that seemed like a rash decision. Alex has never let go of his rebellious spirit, and he has some growing up to do.

Friends: Maggie Pierce

Maggie is a wonderful character who is compassionate and caring. Sometimes her people-pleasing tendencies mean that she isn’t looking out for what she really wants, so she needs a friend who can convince her to focus on self-care and celebrate her accomplishments.

Grey’s Anatomy fans would be happy to be good pals with Maggie. She probably has some interesting stories about her work at the hospital, and some juicy dating stories, too, which is also a good way for people to get to know each other.

Avoid: Jackson Avery

While Jackson has his moments of kindness, he doesn’t treat his love interests very well. He and April went through so much trauma and he wasn’t fair to her, and he also broke Maggie’s heart.

It’s hard to love this character, and he doesn’t seem like he would make a very good friend, either. Jackson also doesn’t seem to have many interests outside of the hospital so he might not bond and connect with other people very well.

Friends: Cristina Yang

Fans miss Cristina and are in awe of the incredible surgeries she has taken part in.

Cristina would be a wonderful friend to have. She’s supportive and loyal to Meredith and has seen her through the worst and lowest times in her life. Plus, Cristina’s dance parties are legendary, so fans would love to dance it out with her. She also has accomplished so much that meeting her for drinks and conversation would be fascinating. She’s definitely an inspiration for others.

Avoid: April Kepner

April has a mean side to her, making her another Grey’s Anatomy character who doesn’t seem like great friend material.

April tends to dwell on the negative things she experiences and she can be very competitive with her co-workers. She can also be self-centered and judgemental, which aren’t ideal. She also makes some confusing choices, as it can be hard to tell if she loves Matthew or Jackson, and it seems like being good friends with this character would be pretty stressful.