
Grey’s Anatomy: 7 Relationships That Should Have Remained Friendships, According To Reddit

The producers of Grey’s Anatomy have a habit of ruining wholesome friendships with relationships and Reddit users are on to them!

Greys Anatomy is known for its great and sometimes tragic love stories, whether that be Derek and Meredith or Lexie and Mark, but what about the relationships that should have remained as friendships?

The show has left many fans with an unrealistic standard of love however it has also been open to criticism with many fans questioning the bizarre romances between certain characters. Reddit user Friendly_Tadpole2108  was one fan who criticized these odd couples and asked fans of the show which relationships they think should have remained as friendships.

Arizona And Callie

Arizona and Callie were the first and best lesbian couple of Grey’s Anatomy, this was just the start in the show’s representation of all types of love. Arizona and Callie’s relationship was one that fans were drawn to from the get-go with many saying their bubbly personalities complemented each other, agreeing that the blossoming relationship between the two was exciting and heartwarming to watch.

Throughout the seasons, Arizona and Callie navigated the plane crash that resulted in Arizona having her leg amputated as well as a car crash and the raising of Sofia. The love between the pair is one fan’s found hard to criticize however Reddit user mic4haha explained how they would have “loved to see Arizona and Callie as friends” which would have been an interesting watch as many of the problems the couple faced were due to their romantic relationship.

Alex And Jo

Alex and Jo’s relationship started as a friendship when Alex befriended Jo in season 9 when Jo began her internship at the Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. Their friendship was based on their individual childhood trauma, which led to them feeling comfortable enough to engage in deep conversations about their upbringing. The pair’s shared humor made them easy to love from the offset, especially when Jo showcased her acting skills by putting on fake tears, which were complemented by Alex’s ability to lie, resulting in them conning a free hotel room.

Fans saw their friendship change to a relationship in season 10 which sealed viewers love for the pair even more however they soon called it quits in season 12. Alex and Jo however were a match made in heaven which finally saw them tie the knot in season 14 in what was the funniest non-wedding ceremony in the history of Greys Anatomy. Whilst their relationship seemed to be solid with the pair being supportive regarding each other’s past trauma, Alex packed his bags and left to reunite with former flame Izzy leaving both Jo and fans devastated. Since then, many fans have expressed that the couples trauma led to their relationship being under strain which is possibly why they would have been better as friends. However, Alex and Jo still only received 8 votes on the poll where fans tried to decide if they would have been better as friends.

April And Jackson

April and Jackson were the most surprising romance with Jackson as the ultra-confident plastic surgeon and April as the chatty but daring trauma surgeon. The pair may have been a shock to fans but that doesn’t mean viewers weren’t rooting for them till the end when their grief following the death of their baby boy saw them become emotionally unavailable to each other resulting in their divorce. April and Jackson’s love story wasn’t exactly easy from the start when after some time of dating the pair fell apart leading to April marrying Matthew however this didn’t end quite the way viewers thought but needless to say it made for a somewhat happy outcome.

In what was one of the most romantic scenes within the show, Jackson objected to the marriage of April and Matthew and fled the wedding with April hand in hand before eloping. Their marriage came with ups and downs which left some viewers questioning their loyalties to each other especially when April filed a restraining order against Jackson. Whilst the pair are no longer together, it was last revealed that they lived together in Boston with their daughter, giving fans hope for future seasons due to their paths continuing to intertwine. The couple still made it on to the poll of relationships that should have remained friends racking up 26 votes, suggesting that viewers enjoyed the pair before their relationship turmoil.

Mark And Callie

The 27 votes for Mark and Callie had Reddit users like Artotzka-Proud confused suggesting that they didn’t think Mark and Callie should have even been included within the poll claiming that although they were “not supposed to be a couple […] it is not better for them to be friends”. Mark and Callie’s friendship turned somewhat relationship occurred due to a one night stand that resulted in a couple of nights together and a child. The pair won hearts with the wholesome relationship between the two of them and their underlying respect for one another both in and out the bedroom and later on as parents. Viewers enjoyed the fiery yet healthy relationship between Mark and Callie due to their bubbly personalities complementing the other perfectly and their openness surrounding their love of sex.

However, some fans including Reddit user rorschach_blots explained how they were never really a couple but rather friends that enjoyed hooking up. The user explained that Mark and Callie may have had huge respect for each other but they didn’t sleep together out of love but rather “as a hobby that they were both good at”. Fans remain divided in their opinions of Mark and Callie but it’s safe to say they definitely admired each other to the very end and were great parents to Sofia but just like Callie, viewers miss mark greatly.

Teddy And Owen

Owen didn’t appear on Greys Anatomy until season 5 with Teddy following shortly after when she was first introduced in Season 6. The pair first met in the army and had one of the most confusing friendships of all time where the lines between friends and couple were often crossed. Fans of the show like Reddit user rorschach_blots claimed the two were “secretly in love” which proved itself to be true in season 15 when Teddy and Owen welcomed the birth of their baby girl. The couple continued to have a will they, won’t they storyline and despite having a few romantic moments, ultimately their relationship caused more problems than it was worth with some fans even suggesting that the storyline between Teddy and Owen ruined Teddy’s character and development.

Lexie And Jackson

Lexie’s character seems to be one of the most missed within the Grey’s Anatomy fandom alongside Mark whose role in Lexie’s love life eventually led to the break up of her and Jackson. Whilst Jackson and Lexie weren’t as well suited as Mark and her, Jackson definitely listened deeply to the inner workings of her mind, often offering her great advice especially when she struggled with feeling like she was left behind in comparison to everyone else. Reddit user, FlamingFlamingo29 recognised that the “Lexie-Jackson” relationship was never meant to be but a friendship between the pair would be a more realistic watch because at the end of the day, Lexie’s heart only burned for one person even in her last moments alive and that was Mark.

George And Izzie

George and Izzie’s friendship was too pure for its own good with George offering Izzy words of wisdom and countless hugs when she was battling with the realities of her work. Their friendship was one that fans loved from the beginning which is why fans were upset when producers of the show changed their wholesome friendship to a confusing affair. Fans were upset by this choice with Reddit users like cristinaa14 stating how they “hated that they couldn’t leave that great platonic friendship alone and had to force some romance into it.” The romantic aspect of George and Izzy was set up to fail due to it beginning as an affair and sure enough, it did fail as the pair saw the non-romantic spark between them just like viewers. The pair remained firm friends until George’s untimely death in season 5 which still makes many fans emotional even today.