
Grey’s Anatomy: All Of Meredith’s Closest Friends, Ranked By Likability

From her “person” Cristina Yang to OGs like Alex Karev and George O’Malley, how likable were Meredith’s close friends on Grey’s Anatomy?

Grey’s Anatomy would be a tad boring if it only focused on the medical storylines. Luckily, the average viewer who has no idea what a septal myectomy is can still enjoy watching Meredith tell Derek to choose her and pick her. Romantic relationships make the show great but so do platonic ones.

Having been the protagonist for 19 seasons, Meredith Grey has had a number of romantic and professional relationships. She has also had a couple of really reliable friends. Cristina Yang easily takes the crown as Meredith’s greatest ever friend, but there are a few other close contenders — along with those who aren’t even close.

Sadie Harris

She may have been Meredith’s best friend since she left college but there is certainly no room in Meredith’s life for Sadie anymore. By the time Sadie left Seattle, it was clear that the two women were just in different stages of their lives. Meredith was more focused on her career while Sadie was free-spirited and wanted to spend most of her nights out on the town.

Although Meredith did try to salvage their relationship, it seemed that Sadie’s pride got in the way of them fixing their bond. Fans didn’t really care much for Sadie anyway, so they weren’t that affected when she decided to remove herself from Meredith’s life for good.

Owen Hunt

This friendship wasn’t convincing enough because the two only became close because of Cristina; Meredith always appeared to merely tolerate Owen. The two often fought over Cristina as Meredith claimed to know the former Director of Cardiothoracic Surgery better. Tensions between them increased even further when Owen cheated on Cristina.

While Meredith did promise Cristina that she would watch out for Owen and they have helped each other through some tough times, Meredith is a lot closer to other people. It’s not for a lack of trying or because they dislike each other; Meredith and Owen just have better connections with other people.

George O’Malley

George’s friendship with Meredith was complicated and can be described as more tragic than wholesome. He first had a huge crush on her despite knowing she loved Derek. After George confessed his feelings for her, the two ended up having sex but Meredith regretted it midway and started crying. This made George angry for weeks but he eventually got over it after she apologized.

The friendship between the two continued, with Meredith supporting George when he was forced to repeat his intern year. Sadly. George died after he was hit by a bus while trying to save Amanda. Perhaps more could have come out of the friendship if it wasn’t for the tragedy.

Izzie Stevens

Unlike most of the other friends, Izzie and Meredith hit it off on the first day. Though Izzie was worried that Meredith was just using Derek, she was glad to find out that Meredith’s feelings for him were real. Whenever Meredith fought with someone, Izzie was always there to back her up.

Perhaps the best gesture of friendship that Meredith ever did was giving her wedding to Izzie and Alex. Sadly, what makes Izzie a bit unlikable is that she walked away from Meredith after being dumped by Alex and fired from the hospital. Meredith begged her to stay, but she didn’t want to hear it. This gave the impression that Izzie didn’t value the friendship as much as everyone thought.

April Kepner

It took a long time for Meredith to like April, mainly because they just had two different personalities. Where Meredith was sarcastic and dark, April was more cheerful and optimistic. They just didn’t get each other on a personal level.

However, Meredith’s perception of April changed in the aftermath of the hospital shooting when Meredith realized that April’s best friend, Reed, had died. They may not have been the best of friends, but April was there for Meredith when it mattered most — which goes to show what a kind and caring person she could be.

Cormac Hayes

While there is still much to explore with Cormac, from what fans have seen, they quite like his character and his bond with Meredith. Although they didn’t get off to the best of starts due to their different surgical approaches, Cormac and Meredith soon bonded over their children and how they missed their spouses.

Cormac might be another individual who hasn’t been part of Meredith’s life for long, but he seems to understand her more than most. He offers her his ear whenever she needs it and is always around to pick her up when she is at her lowest point. Fans wouldn’t mind it if Cormac and Meredith ended up together at the end of Grey’s Anatomy since they have such good chemistry.

Addison Montgomery

Addison and Meredith didn’t exactly have the best of starts considering that Meredith had been dating Derek when Addison was married to him. However, they have since put this part of their past aside and become good friends.

While Addison hasn’t been as involved in Meredith’s life since she moved to Los Angeles, their reunion in “Hotter Than Hell” felt as if she had never even left. They praised each other on their accomplishments and bonded some more over their memories of Derek. Fans love that Addison refused to hold a grudge against her former rival and would rather put that energy into something more positive. It just made her a more likable person.

Callie Torres

Although Callie and Meredith didn’t get off to the best of starts since there was always tension surrounding George and Callie’s relationship, they did end up having an endearing friendship as the years progressed. This was mainly due to the fact that they often supported each other with their marital troubles and children.

While Meredith certainly helped out Callie, allowing her to stay at her house when she split with Arizona and supporting her through Sofia’s custody hearing, this friendship wasn’t one-sided. Callie was always the one who gave Meredith great advice when it came to her relationship with Derek, and she also helped her study for her board exams too. Callie was one character any fan would be happy to have in their corner.

Jackson Avery

Some people don’t hit it off at first because of incorrect assumptions about each other and such was the case between Jackson and Meredith. When he moved to Seattle Grace after the merger, Meredith felt he was just a pretty playboy doctor with no skills.

Her perception changed when she saw him at work and learned that he was Harper Avery’s grandson. She knew just how challenging it was to be related to someone famous in the same profession. In recent seasons, the two board members have been very warm towards each other and have had a sibling-like relationship.

Amelia Shepherd

Amelia and Meredith might have had a tumultuous relationship at the beginning, but the pair are closer now than they ever were before. After Derek passed away, their friendship grew as they supported each other through their grief. Since Meredith had just given birth to her and Derek’s new baby, Amelia also moved in with the general surgeon to help out.

Since then, fans have witnessed nothing but an unwavering loyalty between the two women. There are occasions where viewers do see them fight, but at the end of the day, they have each other’s backs. No matter what happens, Amelia has only wanted the best for Meredith — which is what makes her such a good friend.

Maggie Pierce

Although she may not have known Meredith as long as the other characters, Maggie is still an important figure in Meredith’s life. After learning that she was the long-lost daughter of Ellis and Richard, fans saw Meredith and Maggie bond over their childhoods and love of medicine.

Since then, their relationship has only gotten stronger as they have become each other’s confidantes. Fans would certainly agree that Maggie entered Meredith’s life at the right time as her optimism and wit helped Meredith to slowly heal from the pain she had been suffering.

Miranda Bailey

Although Bailey did try to keep a professional barrier between herself and Meredith, it wasn’t long before Meredith managed to worm her way into her affections. Bailey always had a soft spot when it came to Meredith. She would comfort her while she was ill, give her parenting advice when she was worried about her children, and was an excellent mentor to her. Eventually, the viewers even saw Bailey open up to Meredith about her own personal struggles and family life.

While Bailey had been distant and closed off when fans first met her, Meredith’s presence did help the viewers get to know Bailey in more depth. Without Meredith’s schemes, the fans wouldn’t know how funny or sarcastic Bailey could be. Their heartfelt conversations also showed how caring Bailey could be too. It’s why many fans admire her.

Alex Karev

Alex and Meredith got off on the wrong foot because he referred to her as “nurse” on the first day of her internship. Her distaste for him lessened when he began working under Bailey and became friends with Izzie. Eventually, the two became even closer after he was made her “person” once Cristina left for Switzerland.

Since then, Meredith and Alex’s bond has led to one of the best friendships on Grey’s Anatomy. Alex had been a great pillar of support for Meredith, helping her to raise her children and standing by whatever schemes she comes up with. It is because of his friendship with Meredith that fans have seen Alex grow into one of the kindest and most compassionate surgeons on the show.

Richard Webber

Given how much Meredith and Richard’s relationship has improved over the years, it’s hard to imagine that they were once very hostile to each other. Initially, Richard couldn’t even look her in the eye. Their bad blood stemmed from the fact that Richard was responsible for the divorce of Meredith’s parents. But thanks to Derek’s word of advice to them both, the two mended their relationship.

Since then, Richard has been a great paternal figure for Meredith. Not only has he helped to shape her career, but he has also looked after her when she was going through a rough time. Richard has shown a great amount of loyalty towards Meredith and would always stand by her no matter what.

Mark Sloan

It’s not hard to guess how Mark and Meredith began communicating. Keeping up with his playboy mannerisms, Mark tried to hit on Meredith the very first time he saw her.

However, Mark and Meredith were still able to form a sort of friendship. Not only did they talk about their similar problems, but they even gave each other nicknames too. Their friendship also became stronger once Mark entered a relationship with Lexie, and Meredith married Derek. It was because of these relationships that fans saw Mark’s character grow and his maturity blossom, making him a much more likable person.

Jo Wilson

Meredith and Jo’s sisterly bond is what true friendships are all about. Every viewer sympathized with Jo when it was revealed that she came to Seattle and assumed a new identity in order to protect herself from her abusive husband. And Meredith won the hearts of fans by helping to protect her.

While publishing her abdominal wall transplant paper, Meredith agreed not to include Jo’s picture so that Paul wouldn’t find her. She also did her best to protect Jo when Paul finally came to the hospital. After Jo’s divorce, she helped Meredith come up with a unique liver idea for a contest. With Alex having now moved to Kansas, some Grey’s Anatomy fans believe Jo could be Meredith’s next person.

Cristina Yang

When two friends refer to each other as “my person,” there is no doubt that the bond is very real. The “Twisted Sisters” often slept over at each other’s houses. They also served as each other’s maids of honor, with Meredith being there for both of Cristina’s weddings.

After the breakup with Derek, Cristina protected Meredith by warning Derek to stay away. And when Meredith was put under Erica Hahn, Cristina made sure to give Meredith the best advice on how to make Hahn happy. Regardless of whether they were fighting or hundreds of miles away, Meredith and Cristina would always have each other’s backs.