
Grey’s Anatomy: These Facts Leave Fans Scratching Their Heads

Today, we’re focusing on the weirder or more puzzling parts of the show, along with some bits that are just straight-up cool and quirky.

14.Justin Chambers’ Character Never Existed In The Pilot Episode

When the pilot episode for season 1 was being shot, Alex Karev wasn’t even a character in the show. However, after shooting for the pilot was finished, show writer, Shonda Rhimes, decided that another male role was needed to play opposite George O’Malley.

Keep in mind that this was 2004/2005, and as hard as they tried, digitally inserting Justin Chambers’ character into the first episode did not look natural. Perhaps they should have introduced him during episode 2.

13.Kate Walsh Was Never Meant To Be A Permanent Cast Member

Joining the series at the end of season 1, as the estranged wife of Dr. Derek Shepherd, Kate Walsh’s character was only meant to make the occasional reappearance on the show (if she reappeared at all). Soon enough, Rhimes began to really enjoy Walsh’s portrayal of Addison Montgomery, and many changes were made to accommodate the character as a full-time presence on the show. This led Kate to score her own spin-off series, Private Practice. 

12.The Word ‘Vajayjay’ Was Invented By The Show

You can thank Shonda Rhimes for creating the word “vajayjay”, although we are all aware of other variations of the word that have been coined throughout history. Apparently, the network felt Grey’s Anatomy had used the word, “vagina”, too much – as a way around this, Rhimes coined the word “vajayjay”, in a scene where Dr. Bailey is giving birth. The new word went viral, instantly becoming a core part of the modern vocabulary.

11.When Ellen Pompeo Became Pregnant, Her Character Didn’t

Instead of writing it in that talented actress, Ellen Pompeo’s character, Meredith Grey, was pregnant, too (and this would have made physical continuity simpler to achieve, since, you know, Pompeo was pregnant), her pregnancy was hidden.

The crew used baggy clothing, conveniently positioned tables, and other items around the room to shield her bump from view. The crew also shot from the chest up, eventually making the character donate part of her liver so she would be bed-ridden. This made it easier to hide the bump. Her character had some strange, unnatural movements throughout season 6.

10.Season 7’s Famous Musical Episode

So, actress Sara Ramirez is literally a Tony Award-winning singer with a voice that could warm the coldest of hearts, but the other cast members are, quite frankly, not so vocally gifted, even after hours of vocal training. The odd pelvic thrust and butt-shimmy provided additional awkwardness, as the world’s favorite faux-medical professionals erupted into song. This episode is the least favorite of many ‘Grey’s’ fans.

9.Chyler Leigh Stayed Under The Crashed Plane For Almost 2 Days

This sounds something like an extreme survival story…the cast, crew, and Chyler Leigh literally braved rain and snow to film the character’s death scene. The surprising part is that Chyler Leigh opted to remain under the plane for almost 2 days, in intense cold and discomfort, although the set was designed with her comfort in mind.

If she’d wanted to, she could have comfortably moved out from under the crashed plane sometimes. Yes, Method acting has its place, but when the elements get extreme, why would you make things harder for yourself? Well, she was going for authenticity!

8.Washington’s Commitment To Surgeries

Before starting any and all of the surgeries performed by his character, Preston Burke, actor, Isaiah Washington, would literally learn the entire procedures himself, as if he were about to perform them on a real person, as a real surgeon. This added a whole new level of realism to his character. However, it left many fans questioning how necessary this level of commitment was, since the script provided any necessary information.

7.Meredith’s Apparent Invincibility

Season 2 nearly killed Meredith, due to the bomb explosion in the hospital. In season 3, she almost drowned, hinting at possible suicidal ideation. Then, she was almost shot by a vengeful widower, and this caused a miscarriage. She also survived a plane crash and was brutally attacked by a confused patient. All of this suggests that she is inhumanly invincible, and with the rate of attacks on the hospital, it’s surprising that Meredith is still alive and kicking.

6.Almost No One Visited Izzie When She Had Cancer

While the show’s characters are admittedly busy with their personal lives, getting some rest, or working hard in the hospital, there is a span of time where Izzie is literally just left to her own devices as she battles melanoma on her own. She received visits from her significant other, Alex Karev (of course), but it seemed like no one else was in sight while she nearly died. Weird, huh?

5.Nurses Seem To Do Nothing

Nurses aren’t portrayed the same way on the show as they are in real life. This could be because doctors and favorite interns are intended to be the center of attention. However, literally everything that you see the doctors doing (aside from complex surgeries), the nurses can do, too. In fact, nurses would normally be very busy doing those tasks, if it weren’t for the doctors and interns stealing the spotlight. Nurses are vital parts of hospital health care teams.

4.Izzie Sleeping With Denny’s Ghost

The love of Izzie’s life, Denny, who was also a heart transplant patient of hers, died of a stroke after his operation. The floodgates opened for fans, but what followed caused many fans to stop watching the show.

Izzie would go on to continue a sexual relationship with Denny after his death (Denny was now a ghost), hinting at a more paranormal side to the show. It took a long time for Rhimes to admit that seeing ghosts relates to Izzie’s health, as some kind of aneurysm hallucination caused by an unrevealed brain problem.

3.Everybody Is Cheating

Cheating is so commonplace among the series’ characters that it becomes a bit of an eyesore, especially when it detracts from the supposedly “professional” characters. These characters can’t separate work from their personal lives! Even if someone had the extra energy after pulling such long shifts, remember that sleeping with a superior is a fireable offense in many hospitals. It’s certainly not a firing offense on the show!

2.George Losing An Alzheimer’s Patient Multiple Times

The Alzheimer’s patient was Ellis Grey, mother of Meredith. Her Alzheimer’s was a known fact before Meredith started her internship at the hospital, meaning that it shouldn’t have been a surprise that she would require special attention.

Requiring surgery to remove a liver mass, the renowned ex-surgeon disappeared twice from her bed while in George’s care. She was found later, wearing scrubs, and thinking that she was still a doctor. As mentioned above, the nurses would have been all over this.

1.Izzie Trying To Get Denny An Operation

Ignoring the fact that it is extremely unethical and unprofessional to sleep with your patients, Izzie went from bad to worse by inducing a seizure to try and move Denny up the waiting list for a new heart.

Messing with his life-support system was a cause for worry for most fans. It showed that her desperation was overriding logic and producing highly risky behavior. This made everybody scratch their heads in confusion.

Sources: businessinsider.com, huffpost.com, vulture.com, sheknows.com, ew.com