
‘Grey’s Anatomy’s Biggest Series-Changing Moments

Greys Anatomy is notorious for making viewers cry but what were the moments that changed the series forever?

Greys Anatomy premiered back in 2005 and is still going strong today. As with any show that’s been airing for that long there are bound to be some unforgettable moments. And, well, it’s a Shonda Rhimes show, so you know you’re bound for some intense drama. There are so many moments to choose from — from the most romantic, to the saddest, to the funniest. But what are the moments that changed the show forever?

14.Addison’s Surprise Arrival

Season 1 of the medical drama was relatively short. With only nine episodes under its belt, there wasn’t anything major happening. Sure, there were the illicit romances between interns and attendings, but the majority of the season was watching said interns gain their footing in the medical field. The season finale deals with a staff-wide outbreak of a sexually transmitted disease, and that seemed to be the biggest issue. That is, until the last few minutes of the episode. In what has now become one of the most famous lines and scenes in television history, we meet Addison Montgomery-Shepherd (Kate Walsh).

Addison’s arrival changed not only Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) and Derek’s (Patrick Dempsey) relationship by putting a wrench in their budding romance but also changed the hospital dynamic as a whole. Addison is a world-renowned neonatal surgeon and introduces each of the interns to her specialty. That in and of itself was a huge step in the series, but her most notable influence was on Alex Karev (Justin Chambers). Sure, many people credit Arizona (Jessica Capshaw) as being the one to turn Alex towards Pediatrics, but it was really Addison who initially pushed him in that direction. Whether he was willing at the time is a different story though.

13.Denny’s Death/Izzie cutting the LVAD Wire

Denny (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and Izzie’s (Katherine Heigl) romance in and of itself was a huge deal. If dating your attending is a no-no, then dating your patient is a thousand times worse, but that’s exactly what happened in Season 2. Denny was a long-time patient of Dr. Preston Burke (Isaiah Washington), and throughout his recurring role in the season, Izzie grew quite fond of him. Her fondness eventually led to her cutting his LVAD wire to acquire a heart for him. It was a huge moment for both the show and Izzie’s character and led to her almost giving up her career in medicine, and her fellow interns rallying around her in support. But she eventually came back better than ever and used the money left to her by Denny to open up a free clinic.

12Burke Calls off the Wedding

Cristina (Sandra Oh) and Burke started up a romance in Season 1 and eventually became engaged. While their relationship seemed utterly romantic, it became very clear that Preston wasn’t the healthiest choice for her. After becoming engaged, Burke tried hard to turn Cristina into his idea of a perfect wife — which was basically the exact opposite of who Cristina was. So when he left her just before she was set to walk down the aisle it was a breath of relief, for both audiences and Cristina. Her sobs as Meredith cut her out of her wedding dress are gut-wrenching, but it was an essential piece of her character arc and returned her to the Cristina we know and love.

Now if only someone had given her the “he is not the sun” talk.

11.Lexie’s Arrival

Meredith’s family drama was a staple part of her character, from her rocky relationship with her mother to her absent and estranged father, she had large trust issues. So introducing a half-sister from said father was bound to be rocky. Especially given the fact that Meredith was a scrub in on her mother’s fateful surgery — something Thatcher nastily blamed her for. Lexie’s (Chyler Leigh) insistence to get to know Meredith was tough to watch due to how dismissive the latter was to her, but eventually she came around, and their relationship blossomed into one of the most touching and important in the series.

10.George Dies

George (T.R. Knight) was a sweetheart, a gentle character who couldn’t hurt a fly, so his ultimate fate hurt a lot. Couple that with the fact that he was the first major character death, and it was a recipe for tears. What made it more tragic was the fact that no one knew it was him, not until he managed to write “007” on Meredith’s palm — a nickname he deemed on his first day. George’s death affected everyone in the hospital and let us know that no character is safe — even those considered the heart of the show.

9.The Hospital Shooting/Cristina’s PTSD

The hospital shooting shifted the series going into Season 7. So much of the season was spent on the characters dealing with the trauma suffered in the Season 6 finale — a finale that claimed the lives of multiple colleagues and friends. It changed everyone’s lives going forward: Derek started driving recklessly, Lexie was admitted to psych after a breakdown, and Bailey (Chandra Wilson) dealt with immense anxiety and guilt of not being able to save Charles. Oh, and Cristina married Owen (Kevin McKidd), suffered severe PTSD that made it impossible for her to even stand in an O.R., and even quit her job for a period of time. The series seemed to shift in tone after the shooting and it is among the most memorable and terrifyingly gut-wrenching moments in the show’s history.

8.Meredith and Derek Adopt Zola

Zola (Aniela Gumbs) came along in Season 7 as part of Alex’s Africa project, and Derek grew an instant attachment to her. Of course, such a thing wasn’t as easy for Meredith since she had suffered a miscarriage in the Season 6 finale. But just as she opened herself up to Lexie, Meredith’s love for Zola overcomes her and she and Derek set out to adopt the girl — starting their beautiful little family.

7.The Plane Crash

Season 8’s finale saw six of Seattle Grace Mercy West’s doctors board a plane to Boise for a conjoined twin surgery. Of course, as we soon came to learn Greys Anatomy’s season finales always seemed to face some sort of tragedy. But surely a plane carrying some fan favorites wouldn’t be anything to worry about… right? Wrong. The plane crash claims the life of Lexie and later Mark — two fan favorite characters who finally seemed as though they’d be getting back together. It also kicked off the beginning of the end of Callie (Sara Ramirez) and Arizona’s relationship when Callie had to make the hard decision to amputate Arizona’s leg — something she had promised not to do.

6.Hospital Name Change

The aforementioned plane crash ultimately led to the surviving doctors buying the hospital as it was set to be sued and go bankrupt. It was a momentous arc in the show, seeing the characters band together to avenge their lost loved ones. But it isn’t just the move of them buying the hospital that changed the series: it’s the ultimate decision to change the name to Grey Sloan Memorial. It was never going to be easy moving on without Lexie and Mark, but the name did help it feel like they were a part of the series in spirit.

5.Cristina Leaves

With George dead and Izzie gone, Alex, Cristina and Meredith were the last of the original interns. So when Cristina was offered a spot at one the best cardiothoracic research facilities, audiences had to settle in and prepare to say goodbye to the character. It was one of the toughest moments in the series, but at least she made it out alive unlike many of her counterparts. And she left with an encouraging message for Meredith after one final “dance-it-out.” And really, was there anything more fitting for her character? The series would never quite be the same again after Cristina’s absence, but the writers did make sure her presence was felt going forward, often including mentions of her in conversations or through texts with Meredith.

4.Callie and Arizona’s Custody Battle

Callie and Arizona’s decision to break up was a tough decision to stomach, to begin with, but add in the custody battle for Sophia, and it’s just a miserable experience all around. Callie plays dirty and makes things personal, whereas Arizona is just simply worried that as the adoptive mother she’ll lose custody. No matter what side you’re on, there’s no denying it’s a hard fight to watch, and it’s a shame to see what was once one of the best couples on the show reach such a nasty conclusion.

3.Derek Dies

Every main character’s death was devastating, but none were quite as shocking as Derek Shepherd’s death. Derek felt like the safest possible character, so when he stopped to help a family after witnessing a car accident it just seemed like a routine episode. That quickly proved not to be the case as he was soon hit by a semi-truck while sitting in his car. Shortly after his death Meredith finds out she’s pregnant with their third child, and Callie begins dating a doctor from the hospital that was responsible for Derek’s death, albeit unknowingly. It’s not just Meredith who was affected by his death though, it deeply affected everyone in the hospital who knew him. After all, he was McDreamy, his absence was felt immensely and going forward, it left a noticeable hole in the show.

2.Bailey Becomes Chief

Bailey becoming chief was a big moment for plenty of reasons. The series saw multiple chiefs throughout its run — from Richard Webber to Owen Hunt and even Derek Shepherd for a brief moment. But Miranda Bailey was arguably the most deserving from the get-go and when she finally got her chance it was a huge moment for the series. Not only was Miranda stepping into a larger and more important role — she was also the first female chief in the show’s run.

1.Alex Leaves

Alex Karev leaving is arguably one of the most devastating moments in the show’s history. He was a fan favorite, had some of the best character development, and was given one of the worst exits possible. Sure he didn’t die, but perhaps it would have hurt less if he did. Instead, the writers diminished all the development he made throughout the series and had him go back to Izzie, even though he was happily married to Jo. The cherry on top? He announced he was leaving through a series of letters written for everyone. After his exit the only original characters left behind were Meredith, Miranda and Richard, and while they’re definitely loved, the show just doesn’t quite feel the same and hasn’t since.