
Here Are 17 Patients From “Grey’s Anatomy” Who Make Me Ugly Cry When I Think Of Them

1. Bonnie Crasnoff and Tom Maynard

This case hit me like an emotional train. Nothing was more heartbreaking then when, after they slid Bonnie off the pole and realized she was beyond saving, Meredith stood there screaming, “What about her? We can’t just abandon her!” This line held a lot of significance, since Derek had just told Meredith he was going back to his wife, making her feel left behind and abandoned. Talk about symbolism, wow.

Appears in: Season 2, Episode 6

2. Beth Monroe

Beth was the final, and only successful, candidate in Derek and Meredith’s clinical trial. Her survival was what sparked Derek and Meredith’s reunion. Meredith, inspired by the love of Beth and her deceased boyfriend, Jeremy, realized that she had to make a big gesture to get Derek back, AKA THE HOUSE OF CANDLES! So, thank you Beth, for inspiring one of the most iconic scenes in Grey’s history.

Appears in: Season 4, Episodes 16 and 17.

3. Liz Fallon

Liz was a scrub nurse at the then-Seattle Grace Hospital. While her case wasn’t one of the typically wild cases that we see with most Grey’s patients – she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer – it was impactful for Cristina. Liz was the first patient Cristina called “time of death” for, and the vulnerability she showed after Liz died was what sparked her and Burke’s romance.

Appeared in: Season 1, Episode 4

4. Henry Burton

WHERE DO I BEGIN?? Maybe I start with how Teddy married Henry so that he could get healthcare. Maybe I start with how Henry and Teddy fell in love against all odds. Or, maybe I start with how Cristina operated on Henry without knowing his identity. OR MAYBE I start with how he died on Cristina’s operating table and no one told Teddy because she was in another O.R. operating on someone else. No matter how the cookie crumbles, the tragedy of Henry Burton is gut-wrenching.

Appears in: Seasons 7 and 8

5. Mary Portman

WHEW CHILE! What a storyline. She came into the hospital for a routine procedure and ended up on lockdown after Gary Clark opened gunfire in the hospital. Yet, despite surviving Gary and the ordeal of watching Charles – one of the new residents – die in Dr. Bailey’s arms, she later died during the routine surgery she originally came in for. MANDY MOORE SHOULD NEVER DIE!

Appears in: Season 6, Episodes 23 and 24 and Season 7, Episodes 6 and 7

6. Ray and Stan

This episode was a clusterFUCK if there ever was one. All the docs were running around, trying to save the lives of EMTs after a deadly ambulance crash, and Meredith did her best to save partners Ray and Stan. I’m choking up just remembering when Stan told Ray to tell his wife that he loved her, ’cause he knew he wasn’t going to make it. And THEN Stan had to stay in the overturned ambulance next to his dead best friend as Meredith tried to save his life — which she did! Also saved that day? My heart from further turmoil.

Appears in: Season 4, Episodes 9 and 10

7. Rick from the ferry boat crash

I lied. THIS episode was a clusterFUCK. Aside from Meredith drowning, Ava/Rebecca being crushed under a pole, and, oh yeah, a ferry boat crashing into the Seattle harbor, there was also a man crushed between two cars that Izzie had to save. This wouldn’t have been a huge deal had it not been in the wake of Denny dying/Izzie being on probation at the hospital. But, through all the stress, she was able to save Rick and, in that, rediscover her love of being a doctor.

Appeared in: Season 3, Episode 15

8. Cathy Becker

Talk about attention to detail! Cathy died in the midst of the Seattle Grace/Mercy West merger — residents and attendings weren’t getting along and, in turn, weren’t giving the best patient care. But, the brunt of the blame fell on April Kepner – for not checking her airways – which resulted in Kepner being let go from the program. Like, her death could have been prevented if they all just got along, GODDAMNIT!

Appeared in: Season 6, Episode 6

9. Katie Bryce

Not gonna lie, Katie Bryce was kind annoying as hell, but she’s v important in Grey’s Anatomy canon. She was the first patient of Meredith and Derek, marking the beginning of their relationship, and, when she returned in Season 12, she was the first patient of Meredith and Amelia, paving the road for Amelia being accepted as the new Dr. Shepherd. And, at the end, when Katie asked what happed to the old Dr. Shepherd, and Meredith responded with “It’s a long story,” my heart visibly ached. Whodda though that this bratty girl would be so symbolic for the docs of Grey Sloan Memorial?

Appears in: Season 1, Episode 1 and Season 12, Episode 12

10. Ellis Grey

My relationship with Ellis Grey is more complicated than my relationship with my own mother! But, as much as we wanted to hate Ellis, her death still resonated with us. When she told Meredith that she was “anything but ordinary,” ya girl felt that, and cried real human tears.

Appears in: Seasons 1 through 3 (regularly)

11. Ava/Rebecca

Talk about a Greek tragedy. Alex really can’t catch a break, can he? As much as Ava/Rebecca’s storyline pained me, through it we got a rare glimpse of a softer side of Alex, which was the only good thing to come out of that whole ordeal. But still, when Alex broke down after Rebecca’s psych diagnosis, all I wanted to do was jump in the screen and take his pain away.

Appears in: Seasons 3 and 4

12. Zola Grey Shepherd

The baby that reunited Mer and Der! OK, not really, but the adoption process of Baby Zola, not to mention her recurring medical problems, definitely had me on the edge of my seat. But when Mer and Der were finally able to call her theirs, I burst into happy tears — a rarity for Grey’s.

Appears in: Season 7 — Present

13. Adele Webber

“My Funny Valentine.” That’s it. That’s all I’m gonna say.

Appears in: Seasons 2 through 9

14. James Evans

Another heartbreaking scene with Alex. He had every reason — and then some —to hate his dad and let him die alone. But, instead, he stayed with his dad and eased his mind so that he could go in peace. Alex really does deserve a medal.

Appears in: Season 10

15. Diane Pierce

Two words: poor Maggie. Not only did she lose Ellis before she could meet her, she also lost her adoptive mother, too. The final scene when Maggie painted Diane’s nails after she passed away had me ugly crying for hours.

Appears in: Season 13

16. Jessica Smithson

Oh, you sweet, precious angel. Jessica was a patient Bailey got attached to who, unfortunately, died from Tay Sachs disease. Nothing was harder than watching her father break down after she died, knowing there was nothing he could do to save her. Ugh, gets me every time.

Appears in: Season 5, Episode 20

17. Denny Duquette

L-VAD wire? Pink prom dress? “I’m here for you”? Need I say more??

Appears in: Seasons 2 and 3.

Now, I know I didn’t get to all the patients – there are 332 episode, after all – so let us know your fave Grey Sloan Memorial patients in the comments below!