
Lingering Health Problems After Childbirth: A Closer Look

Ask any person who’s been pregnant if they have any lingering health problems after childbirth, and get ready to hear a laundry list of issues. Long-term health effects caused by labor and delivery may be more common than we realize. In this article, writer Emily Johnson explores the physical and psychological effects of childbirth, highlighting the need for comprehensive postpartum care. Discover the range of postnatal conditions women may experience and the importance of seeking proper support. Learn how to overcome the under-recognition and underdiagnosis of these issues and find ways to prioritize your health and quality of life. Don’t suffer in silence – reach out to your healthcare provider and advocate for the care you deserve.

The Prevalence of Postpartum Complications

Ask any person who’s been pregnant if they have any lingering health problems after childbirth, and get ready to hear a laundry list of issues. Long-term health effects caused by labor and delivery may be more common than we realize. According to a study published in ‘The Lancet Global Health’, more than 1 in 3 women globally are likely to experience a postnatal condition in the months or years following childbirth.

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These conditions can range from low back pain, pain during intercourse, urinary incontinence, depression, anxiety, fear of childbirth, to secondary infertility. Unfortunately, many of these issues often go under-recognized and are therefore likely under-diagnosed. It’s important to shed light on the prevalence of postpartum complications to ensure that women receive the care and support they need.

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The Need for Comprehensive Postpartum Care

Most postpartum women see their provider at 6 or 12 weeks postpartum for a single checkup, and then are left on their own to deal with nagging problems like low back pain or pain during sex, while also caring for a newborn. This historical limitation of postnatal care services is a contributing factor to the under-recognition of postpartum complications.

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Conditions such as depression, urinary and anal incontinence, and sexual dysfunction can be caused or exacerbated by pregnancy and childbirth but might only present months, or even years, after childbirth. By this time, women are no longer accessing postpartum care services, which highlights the need for a comprehensive approach to postpartum care that extends beyond the 6-week mark.

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The Impact of Postpartum Complications

Postpartum complications not only affect a woman’s health but can also have long-term social and economic consequences. These complications can impact daily life, both emotionally and physically, long after giving birth. They are often underappreciated, underrecognized, and underreported.

Moreover, serious postpartum complications such as pelvic organ prolapse, post-traumatic stress disorder, thyroid dysfunction, mastitis, nerve injury, psychosis, and blood clots can have a significant impact on a woman’s well-being. Recognizing the impact of these complications is crucial in providing the necessary support and care for women.

The Importance of Seeking Proper Support

It is essential for women to know that they don’t have to suffer in silence. If you’re experiencing pain, discomfort, or health problems postpartum, no matter how long ago you gave birth, reach out to your OB-GYN or primary care doctor. Keep reaching out until you find the help and support you need.

Throughout their lives, and beyond motherhood, women deserve access to a range of services from healthcare providers who listen to their concerns and meet their needs. By seeking proper support, women can not only survive childbirth but also enjoy good health and a high quality of life.