
The 10 Funniest Scenes From Grey’s Anatomy

Grey’s Anatomy is an intense and dramatic show, far from comedic. But these scenes took the edge off and made fans laugh for a change.

Grey’s Anatomy is known for its intense and dramatic scenes, from a challenging surgery to problems with the character’s personal lives. The troubles are what makes the show relatable, but within the tragedies lay funny and iconic moments that fans love to see as well. Whether it’s a silly comment or a scene with impeccable comedic timing, there have been many moments that have made the viewers smile and laugh, even through the tough times.

While there is plenty to be sad about in the show, the funny moments only stand out more, and it makes the fans appreciate the refreshing breaks from the intense scenes.

Alex Gets Spooked By A Bear

Living in a camper in the middle of nowhere is already a tough situation, but one morning, when Alex steps outside, he is greeted by an enormous grizzly bear. His scream has been made into an iconic meme for the fans.

He later tells Izzie about the situation, and she asks him if it was for sure a bear, and how it may have been a deer. Flustered, Alex tells her that he knows what a bear is. Not too much later, Izzie walks outside and is startled by the bear as well, and they agree they need to move.

George Is Scared Of Needles

George faces an unfortunate series of events when he has to get an injection for syphilis, which his coworkers will not stop making fun of him for. George is a good example to show that not all doctors are immune to needles, but he gets “help” from his friends, meaning more jokes thrown his way.

George is embarrassed, but it is funny for viewers nonetheless when an entire crowd to watch him. George is a very kind and generous person who gets embarrassed easily, and this scene with him made it all the more laughable.

Everyone Accidentally Eats Weed Cookies

One of Arizona’s patients runs back to the hospital and asks for the cookies back, but the cookies were already shared with a handful of doctors. The patient lets them know that there was something in the cookies.

Meredith frantically runs around to find her coworkers going crazy, from Andrew petting the wall, to April and Dr. Bailey singing together at a “funeral”, to Alex saying that the chips he’s eating smell like Owen. There was a lot of chaos from the doctors, but lots of funny memories that fans will never forget. This episode tends to be a classic fan favorite for these specific scenes.

Mark Enters The Elevator With Derek & All Of His Current & Formal Girlfriends

In this hilarious scene, Derek is in the elevator, but he has company. All three of Derek’s old and new relationships enter the elevator, and the ride is painfully awkward for all of them. The ride is silent, and Derek peeks at Meredith, who offers him no help.

The elevator stops and lets in Mark, who only looks and laughs at the scene before him. He enters the elevator and whispers to Derek that he bet he wished he’d taken the stairs, adding to the awkwardness and the humor.

Cristina Gives Callie A Haircut

After Cristina supposedly quits work, Callie goes over to her place to check on her. Cristina is dancing around and opening packages while Callie talks to her, and she brings up how she is going to get her haircut but decides against it.

Out of the blue, Cristina walks up and cuts a part of her hair off with scissors, leaving Callie shocked and Cristina offering to give her a haircut. While the cut doesn’t work out, they end up having a fun talk and make good memories, and fans get to learn a little more about Callie and Cristina.

Meredith Calls Mark “McSteamy”

Meredith and the girls were joking about a nickname for Mark, and McSteamy was one of the names they came up with. Later on, when Meredith is on some strong sedative getting wheeled through the hallways just before her surgery, she spots Mark and yells out McSteamy to him.

Mark asks if that’s what he’s being called now, and Meredith says yes, but he’s probably not supposed to know. While this would have been embarrassing, Meredith is too out of it to know, which makes the scene humorous.

Dr. Bailey Drinks Too Much

A night without her daughter, Bailey joins some of her coworkers at a bar and drinks a little too much. Her replies and comments are out of the blue and unrelated to the conversations, which made this moment funny.

Also, when Dr. Bailey makes it back to work that night, April catches her acting a little off, and she has to spend the night watching her. he shift from Dr. Bailey at work to this was grand, but it was refreshing (and funny) to see her let loose.

The Baseball Game

The crew joins in a lighthearted baseball game. It is refreshing to see them outside of their work life, and fans get to see their true personalities shine.

Many of them start to drink a bit too much, like Cristina holding a flask in her glove, and others begin playful arguments about sports and the medical field, all while stating that they aren’t drunk. This allowed funny one-liners and good humor, which is what the characters and fans truly needed in an intense show such as this.

Cristina Attempts To “Talk Girl”

Everyone knows Cristina as the determined, serious, and matter-of-fact person who does not change who she is for others. However, one day at the lunch table with Meredith, Alex, and a few others, Cristina attempts to “talk girl” but it does not turn out so well.

She tries to use her emotions to connect with people and engage with stories, but in the end, she gives up and says that she shouldn’t have to talk girl. Cristina has a big lack of empathy, but she could not even pretend. It was the forced effort that humored the fans anyway.

“The Panty Board”

Dr. Bailey finds a pair of panties on the bulletin board, and she is not thrilled, but the rest get a laugh out of it. Dr. Bailey is not a fan of the panty shenanigans and tells everyone that this is a serious place where they save lives, not play around.

While most of the crew laugh about it, the panties are actually Meredith’s, but Callie comes to the rescue as she takes them off the board. This was an unexpected event that was funny for the viewers and gave a nice break for the intense scenes that happen later on about one of the patients.